I hope it gets FP. It was pretty good to me! :P
I hope it gets FP. It was pretty good to me! :P
Thanks for the review.
great Idea!
This is a great idea you have here and for a first animation this is a swell project. Really for most people their first cartoon is a stick figure falling off of a cliff. The art was good and the music was fiting. All in all great job!
lol, thanks!
I have a couple questions...
How does this only have 2,000 views and FP? I'm guessing the icon is unattractive.
And how does it get FP about 20 days after you submitted it?
The cartoon was okay. I didn't laugh but the guy rolling was pretty well. But again the perspective was off. and shading would help a little bit.
well thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
now since the race had no apparent prize, i get bragging rights :D
also it had 400 or so views before it got front paged.
That was good better than what I was expecting it to be.
"for my mother"
for some reason that made me laugh lol I don't know why.....
The pace of it was a little slow and to tell the truth I thought it was gonna be over when it said Robin a short story..... good art too it... ha I liked the top hats on the birds! :D
Ha I really like the music it was very fitting. The drawings weren't too bad either. Only thing I'd suggest is to have a higher frame rate... at least 20 anything lower is to slow. Great Job!! :D
Yeah, the frame rate was an after thought saddly =p. I will not make the same mistake twice! Thanks man! You are great.
Pretty good!!
Graphics were immensely shaded which was very nice, most I've seen shaded on a flash... lip syncing was good too but could use some improvement..Taking lines from video games and mixing them to make a script must've been kinda hard to make up. and even harder to make it make sense. The Humor too it wasn't the best and I didn't find it much funny EXCEP the end when you got the achievement. I laughed at that part. Just as a lil' comment I'm the 1,000 viewer on this!! ha ha :D
- Good Luck with Flash in the future!! :D
The lip sync was what I had the most trouble with! :P ...I don't like the frame-by-frame version of lip-syncing. I know there's a couple other ways to do it, but I'm not aware of how to! D:>
I wish I knew how to stretch and skew shapes so that they would sort of morph into eachother, kind of like what the really good flash artists on NG can do.
But, alas! *dramaface*
Oh - grats on the 1,000th view, too!!
crazy cakes
very good. but why was it in japanese? or not english? I'm just guessing it was japanese....
It was russian. :P
pretty good for five hours
short but pretty good for only done in five hours. you must animate pretty darn
Yeah, I am. Ha! :D
pretty good. You're getting better at flash and it's nice to see that you added color. :)
Graphics were awesome tons of shading which was nice but the ending kinda ruined it. Ya it probably gets annoying to hear that in all the reviews lol.
But what you need to work on is lip synching a little bit, it was okay but could've been better. And backgrounds were usually plain blue so work on that too. DOn't rush backgrounds cuz' people can tell when you do and backgrounds are important.What you might want to study though is writing the script or whatever or filling characters with a personality and get it to where the audience has feelings for them. I'm working on this too and it's hard but is kinda required to make a good flash or series whatever. Nice to see you making flashes again and I hope to see more from you soon! ;}P
i never stopped...
but thanks for leaving this LONG review so i can waist another... 3 minutes of my life... reading it...
ya.. the end did ruin it... SHUT UP!
I already know that... STOP TELLING ME THAT PEOPLE!
I got the memo... like... HOURS ago... and i dont have THAT bad of memory...
gawd.... >.>
I found this by searching "kos"
Age 32, Male
Joined on 7/2/08